

‘Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical activity save and preserve it’ Plato The positive correlation between physical activity and improvements to blood pressure, quality of


Welcome to Festival of Us


Last month the area of focus was sleep, so I hope that you are feeling physically refreshed and mentally alert. As you will discover in Dr Zoe Williams’s film, exercise can have a similar affect!Over

Welcome to Festival of Us2021-04-30T14:00:19+00:00

Stop Wasting Time


‘If you had to identify, in one word, why the human race has not achieved and will never achieve its full potential that word would be meetings’  Dave Barry Whether they are face to face,

Stop Wasting Time2020-11-23T17:22:28+00:00

Welcome to Festival of Us and Welcome to November


Last week I was putting some more films together for The Festival of Us. Not only did the three of us involved (albeit in a socially distanced way) manage to pull some great footage

Welcome to Festival of Us and Welcome to November2025-01-06T16:24:56+00:00

Welcome to Festival of Us and Welcome to October


Back to school yes, back to the office maybe, back to normal most definitely not. Uncertainty still reigns supreme and this is what has led The Festival of Us to this month’s focus topic

Welcome to Festival of Us and Welcome to October2020-09-30T09:55:42+00:00
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