Welcome to The Festival of Us and Welcome to September
Over the past month many of you will have had some holiday. Some will have travelled, others will have stayed at home and the term staycation has become part of the everyday vernacular. Whatever you have done, I hope that you managed a moment to pause for thought.
Whilst much of the thinking may have centred around the practical, I hope that there might have been some that considered the emotional and, in particular, the relationships you have with other people and indeed yourself.
This month relationships are the focus of our attention. In the film David Chapman provides some insight on how to communicate better and the blog provides a case study to demonstrate that we are not always so good at understanding ourselves.
After a relatively quiet month of August, September is a time where the awareness days start to come thick and fast so if you do have access to The Dates For Your Diary section do take a look and access the information stored there.
Stay well, stay safe, stay strong and stay together.