At the start of the new year many people pause and reflect. Resolutions are made, bold statements about a better tomorrow are often uttered, but all too often these promises seem to dissolve away into the ether as the hustle and bustle of everyday life overwhelms us.
At the start of 2020 I have been reflecting too. I was reflecting on the turmoil and challenges that an event such as Brexit has thrown at many people, however, over the past few days my attention has been ripped away from what is a passing moment in political chaos, to the ever evolving issue of climate. The fires in Australia have clearly been devastating as lives have been lost, communities ravaged and environments damaged. Put this alongside the news that over the past decade the average global temperature increased by over a degree, it is right that attention should focus on the evolving challenge of the environment we live in. So, one of my key resolutions is not just for 2020 but will be for years to come. I will use as little plastic as possible, I will reduce the amount of food I eat that has a high carbon footprint and when it comes to personal travel, I will seek to find a better option than flying. How are you going to make a positive difference to our planet!
This month we are focusing on the topic sleep. It is something we do for around 30% of our lives and is our most deliberate coping strategy. I hope that the information that we have included will help you realise that there is a big difference between sleep and good sleep, or as I often say, rest or restoration.
Have a good month and Enjoy The Festival!